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Re: Are charset names supposed to be case sensitive?

Ira McDonald, Mon, 19 Dec 2011 21:53:16 -0500:

> Leif - I'd like to see every use of 'unicode' in that registration
> which means "the Microsoft specification or usage or 'unicode'
> as a charset tag" be explicitly rewritten to instead say, e.g.,
> "the MS 'unicode' charset" to very clearly distinguish it from
> the Unicode/ISO10646 character set and UTF-x encodings.
> When I read your current text, the sense of "which unicode"
> wanders from paragraph to paragraph (for me).

That sounds like a very good point. For next iteration. Thanks!

As for your point the MS 'unicode' charset being limited to BMP, then 
we - eventually - have the same situations as for, for instance, 
US-ASCII, which on the Web is treated like Windows-1252. Or the same 
issue we had in XML 1.0 when it limited certain features to a version 
of Unicode which did not contain Burmese or Camboidan letters: It isn't 
in tune with the facts - at least not in all contexts. 

Or perhaps Microsoft will update their spec *now*? Why not?
leif h silli