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Re: Encoding Standard (mostly complete)

* Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>Apart from big5, all encoders and decoders are now defined.

What is your reasoning behind "defining" how to decode UTF-8? It seems
to me this is well understood and does not require yet another speci-
fication. Anyone wanting to implement a UTF-8 decoder would have to
compare your proposal to the other specifications to see if there are
any differences, and if there are any differences, find out or decide
if that's due to errors in your specification, and whether they want to
adopt your specification rather than any of the others. That's not a
good use of anyone's resources.

I don't feel like reverse-engineering your assembly code and clicking
through half a dozen of definitions to confirm this, but it seems as
though your decoder is rather buggy, there is nothing obvious for in-
stance that would protect against overlong sequences.
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:bjoern@hoehrmann.de · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
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