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Re: Encoding Standard (mostly complete)

On Mon, 23 Apr 2012 13:30:04 +0200, Leif Halvard Silli  
<xn--mlform-iua@målform.no> wrote:
> (1) Just an idea - take it or leave it: Section 7 is called "The
> encoding" and that it only describes a single encoding - UTF-8. In
> order to emphasize "UTF-8" as _the_ encoding, how about collapsing
> section 8 to 13 into a single section named "Legacy encodings", with 6
> sub-sections?

How would you title the subsections? I could not think of something good.

> (2) I would suggest that you, the first time you talk about "byte order
> mark", also introduce the abbreviation - "BOM". Currently, BOM occurs
> in section 13 while "byte order mark" occurs in section 6.


> (3) Regarding the note "the byte order mark is considered more
> authoritative than anything else", then I would suggest specifying what
> "anything else" means. I suppose that it includes - or at least ought
> to include
> 	HTTP,
> 	<meta charset>,
> 	<meta http-equiv=Content-Type>,
> 	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="<anyvalue>" ?>
> 	Manual encoding overriding by the user
>     The above is valid for both XML and HTML.
>    Unless this is listed/described, then I think one starts to guess
> what "anything else" means.

I think this should become clearer once this is integrated into other  
specifications. I rather not mention too much format specific things here.

Anne van Kesteren