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Re: [IANA #1119825] ISO-IR links are obsolete in Character Setsregistry

Dear IETF charset experts and friends,

We have received a mail from Sabrina Tanamal at IANA. I have made a 
proposal about how to deal with it, which includes running this by the 
ietf-charsets@iana.org mailing list for potential comments.

On 2018/10/19 06:52, Sabrina Tanamal via RT wrote:
> Hi Ned, Martin,
> It's been pointed out to us that the links for the ISO-IR registrations at https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets are obsolete.
> We've contacted Keld Simonsen for an updated link, and he suggested the following:
> The reference
> https://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/itscj_english/iso-ir/ISO-IR.pdf is better than the current.

This would indeed work.

> But maybe reference the registrations in that pdf directly in the references as this
> gives the actual data, eg a link
> http://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/iso-ir/006.pdf
> for US-ASCII
> I know this would take some work to do but I think it would be a service to the readers.

Yes. I could go through the list and find links for the easy cases 
quickly. We could then use the generic link for the rest in order to 
save time (let's call this Plan A).

> I also think links to the ISO 15897 registry with charmaps would be useful, as this has
> mappings to ISO 10646/unicode. These mappings are not in the ISO-IR.pdf registry.
> What do you think?

With respect to new software, both the ISO IR (now at ITSCJ) an the ISO 
15897 registry are rather old. Some other sources, such as the data in 
ICU (International Components for Unicode, see links from 
http://site.icu-project.org/charts/charset) may be more relevant these 
days (let's call this Plan B, although we would need some more details).

If I don't see any feedback, I'll try to go with Plan A. Any feedback is 
welcome, but please take into account that somebody will have to 
volunteer the time to actually provide the detailed data. IANA will do 
the actual updates, but they are not experts, and therefore need very 
clear and detailed instructions.

Regards,   Martin.

> ---
> Thank you,
> Sabrina Tanamal
> Senior IANA Services Specialist
> .