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Re: [IANA #1119825] ISO-IR links are obsolete in Character Setsregistry

On 2018/10/22 13:57, Martin J. Dürst wrote:
> Dear IETF charset experts and friends,

I didn't get any replies to this mail. If I have missed any, please tell 
me. Given the interest in these registrations seems fairly low, I'm 
thinking about just using the 
https://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/itscj_english/iso-ir/ISO-IR.pdf link 
throughout, which is the easiest way to fix the link problem and point 
people to the information they may need.

Regards,   Martin.

> We have received a mail from Sabrina Tanamal at IANA. I have made a
> proposal about how to deal with it, which includes running this by the
> ietf-charsets@iana.org mailing list for potential comments.
> On 2018/10/19 06:52, Sabrina Tanamal via RT wrote:
>> Hi Ned, Martin,
>> It's been pointed out to us that the links for the ISO-IR registrations at https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets are obsolete.
>> We've contacted Keld Simonsen for an updated link, and he suggested the following:
>> The reference
>> https://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/itscj_english/iso-ir/ISO-IR.pdf is better than the current.
> This would indeed work.
>> But maybe reference the registrations in that pdf directly in the references as this
>> gives the actual data, eg a link
>> http://www.itscj.ipsj.or.jp/iso-ir/006.pdf
>> for US-ASCII
>> I know this would take some work to do but I think it would be a service to the readers.
> Yes. I could go through the list and find links for the easy cases
> quickly. We could then use the generic link for the rest in order to
> save time (let's call this Plan A).
>> I also think links to the ISO 15897 registry with charmaps would be useful, as this has
>> mappings to ISO 10646/unicode. These mappings are not in the ISO-IR.pdf registry.
>> What do you think?
> With respect to new software, both the ISO IR (now at ITSCJ) an the ISO
> 15897 registry are rather old. Some other sources, such as the data in
> ICU (International Components for Unicode, see links from
> http://site.icu-project.org/charts/charset) may be more relevant these
> days (let's call this Plan B, although we would need some more details).
> If I don't see any feedback, I'll try to go with Plan A. Any feedback is
> welcome, but please take into account that somebody will have to
> volunteer the time to actually provide the detailed data. IANA will do
> the actual updates, but they are not experts, and therefore need very
> clear and detailed instructions.
> Regards,   Martin.
>> ---
>> Thank you,
>> Sabrina Tanamal
>> Senior IANA Services Specialist
>> .