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Re: Registration of new charset BOCU-1

Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

> you didn't answer the other half of my question:
>> Are there applications (not toolkits) today that have committed
>> to converting to use of BOCU-1?

A BOCU-1 converter is part of ICU4C 2.2, to be released tomorrow. I guess ICU counts as a "toolkit".

Many IBM and non-IBM products use ICU as their conversion engine, among other services.

We are talking with some product teams about whether they can recommend to their customers to use BOCU-1. I cannot disclose any details, sorry.

There is currently no product that supports BOCU-1. Technically, there will be as soon as new releases of ICU-using applications come out with ICU 2.2, even if they don't advertise BOCU-1 in their marketing material.

> If Unicode was to replace SCSU with BOCU-1, thus keeping the set of 
> Unicode encodings that "someone" recomments constant, I wouldn't 
> worry.....but Unicode is still sticking with SCSU.

There is no intention at this time to deprecate or un-recommend SCSU, as far as I am aware of.
SCSU is useful in some places, and is hardwired into the Symbian OS (mobile phones/PDAs).

> (that said, unless someone else feels unhappy about adding One More 
> Encoding, I think it's probably not a big deal to approve it.)


I would like to make one more change if possible:
To replace the current URL for the specification (pointing to the design doc on oss.software.ibm.com) with the following URL:

Best regards,
