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Re: windows-874

I don't think it is *required* that the author/"owner" of a charset
submit a registration for it.

On 1/14/06, Erik van der Poel <erik@vanderpoel.org> wrote:
> However, I did notice that when they sent something related to the other
> windows-* charsets to this list, they appeared to feel that they weren't
> getting much response. I don't know whether that was due to the
> unavailability of a stable, openly-available spec. (But UTF-8 isn't
> stable either -- it grows with Unicode.)

In one sense, this is correct. However, for the purposes of the IANA
charset registration, the name "UTF-8" is stable and suitable. See the
discussion in RFC 3629 - UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646,
Section 8 MIME registration.

Best regards,

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