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Re: windows-874

I agree that the author/owner of a charset shouldn't be required to 
submit a registration for it, but I think it would be inappropriate for 
Peter Green to put his name on the windows-874 registration.

Actually, Microsoft already attempted to register windows-874 on March 
15th, 2005:


It appears that some of the items listed in the template in section 5 of 
the RFC are missing from the windows-874 registration:


But I don't know whether that is one of the reasons why this charset has 
not been registered. Also, if you take a look at the email archive, you 
will see that no authority has bothered to respond to Microsoft's 
repeated questions:


The RFC mentions a "charset reviewer". Would that be Paul Hoffman, as 
mentioned in the following?


I've Cc'ed Paul in the hope that he might respond.


Markus Scherer wrote:
> I don't think it is *required* that the author/"owner" of a charset
> submit a registration for it.