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Re: Registration of new charset [ISO-2022-JP-2004]

If you look at the archived message, you will see "Spam-test: False ;
1.6 / 4.5 ; DEAR_SOMETHING":


Are we supposed to refrain from addressing each other as "Dear ..."? :-)

(When I received the email, it also had a SPAM warning in the Subject
header, but this might be a corporate spam filter.)


On 10/27/06, Koichi Yasuoka <yasuoka@kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I sent you the new registration form of "ISO-2022-JP-2004" last week, but
> it doesn't appear on http://mail.apps.ietf.org/ietf/charsets/maillist.html
> yet. Now I send it to you again.
> Best Regards,
> Koichi Yasuoka
> ============================================================
> *Charset name:
> ISO-2022-JP-2004
> *Charset aliases:
> ISO-2022-JP-2003
> ISO-2022-JP-3-2003
> *Suitability for use in MIME text:
> Suitable for 7-bit use in MIME body-part as text/plain or text/html.
> B-encoding is recommended for use in MIME header-part, because
> ISO-2022-JP-2004 is a partial extension of ISO-2022-JP.
> *Published specification:
> JIS X 0213 7-bit and 8-bit double byte coded extended KANJI sets for
> information interchange, Japanese Standards Association (first edition
> 2000-01-20, amendment 2004-02-20, corrigendum 2004-04-01).
> *ISO 10646 equivalency table:
> No direct URI to the official equivalency table, but the table is
> included in JIS X 0213, which can be found via
>  http://www.jisc.go.jp/app/JPS/JPSO0020.html
> with searching the word "X0213".
> An unofficial equivalency table can be found at
>  http://x0213.org/codetable/iso-2022-jp-2004-std.txt
> prepared by "Project X0213".
> *Additional information:
> Escape sequences used in ISO-2022-JP-2004 are:
> - ESC ( B      for ISO/IEC 646 IRV
> - ESC $ ( Q    for the full plane 1 of JIS X 0213:2004
> - ESC $ ( P    for plane 2 of JIS X 0213
> - ESC $ ( O    for a subset of plane 1 of JIS X 0213
>                (20 characters omitted)
> - ESC $ B      for a subset of plane 1 of JIS X 0213
>                (also a subset of the plane/table from JIS X 0208)
> For "ESC $ ( O", 20 characters, of which 10 characters(*) were included
> in old JIS X 0213:2000 and the other 10 characters are the full set of
> the "added characters" in 2004, are omitted:
> 1-14-1, 1-15-94, 1-17-19(*), 1-22-70(*), 1-23-50(*), 1-28-24(*),
> 1-33-73(*), 1-38-61(*), 1-39-77(*), 1-47-52, 1-47-94, 1-53-11(*),
> 1-54-2(*), 1-54-85(*), 1-84-7, and 1-94-90 to 1-94-94.
> For "ESC $ B", following characters are omitted from JIS X 0213:2004,
> and the result is a subset of JIS X 0208:1997:
> 1-2-15 to 1-3-15, 1-3-26 to 1-3-32, 1-3-59 to 1-3-64,
> 1-3-91 to 1-3-94, 1-4-84 to 1-4-91, 1-5-87 to 1-5-94,
> 1-6-25 to 1-6-32, 1-6-57 to 1-6-94, 1-7-34 to 1-7-48,
> 1-7-82 to 1-8-62, 1-8-71 to 1-8-92, 1-9-1 to 1-12-83,
> 1-12-93 to 1-13-55, 1-13-63 to 1-13-79, 1-13-83, 1-13-88,
> 1-13-89, 1-13-93, 1-13-94, 1-14-1 to 1-15-94, 1-16-2, 1-16-19,
> 1-16-79, 1-17-19, 1-17-58, 1-17-75, 1-17-79, 1-18-3, 1-18-9,
> 1-18-10, 1-18-11, 1-18-25, 1-18-50, 1-18-89, 1-19-4, 1-19-20,
> 1-19-21, 1-19-34, 1-19-41, 1-19-69, 1-19-73, 1-19-76, 1-19-86,
> 1-19-90, 1-20-18, 1-20-33, 1-20-35, 1-20-50, 1-20-79, 1-20-91,
> 1-21-7, 1-21-85, 1-22-2, 1-22-31, 1-22-33, 1-22-38, 1-22-48,
> 1-22-64, 1-22-70, 1-22-77, 1-23-16, 1-23-39, 1-23-50, 1-23-59,
> 1-23-66, 1-24-6, 1-24-20, 1-25-60, 1-25-77, 1-25-82, 1-25-85,
> 1-27-6, 1-27-67, 1-27-75, 1-28-24, 1-28-40, 1-28-41, 1-28-49,
> 1-28-50, 1-28-52, 1-29-11, 1-29-13, 1-29-43, 1-29-75, 1-29-77,
> 1-29-79, 1-29-80, 1-29-84, 1-30-36, 1-30-45, 1-30-53, 1-30-63,
> 1-30-85, 1-31-32, 1-31-57, 1-32-5, 1-32-65, 1-32-70, 1-33-8,
> 1-33-36, 1-33-46, 1-33-56, 1-33-63, 1-33-67, 1-33-73, 1-33-93,
> 1-33-94, 1-34-3, 1-34-8, 1-34-45, 1-34-86, 1-35-18, 1-35-29,
> 1-35-86, 1-35-88, 1-36-7, 1-36-8, 1-36-45, 1-36-47, 1-36-59,
> 1-36-87, 1-37-22, 1-37-31, 1-37-52, 1-37-55, 1-37-78, 1-37-83,
> 1-37-88, 1-38-33, 1-38-34, 1-38-45, 1-38-61, 1-38-81, 1-38-86,
> 1-39-25, 1-39-63, 1-39-72, 1-39-77, 1-40-14, 1-40-16, 1-40-43,
> 1-40-53, 1-40-60, 1-40-74, 1-41-16, 1-41-48, 1-41-49, 1-41-50,
> 1-41-51, 1-41-78, 1-42-1, 1-42-27, 1-42-29, 1-42-57, 1-42-66,
> 1-43-43, 1-43-47, 1-43-72, 1-43-74, 1-43-89, 1-44-40, 1-44-45,
> 1-44-65, 1-44-89, 1-45-20, 1-45-58, 1-45-73, 1-45-74, 1-45-83,
> 1-46-20, 1-46-26, 1-46-48, 1-46-62, 1-46-64, 1-46-81, 1-46-82,
> 1-46-93, 1-47-3, 1-47-13, 1-47-15, 1-47-22, 1-47-25, 1-47-26,
> 1-47-31, 1-47-52 to 1-47-94, 1-48-54, 1-52-68, 1-53-11, 1-54-2,
> 1-54-85, 1-57-88, 1-58-25, 1-59-56, 1-59-77, 1-62-25, 1-62-85,
> 1-63-70, 1-64-86, 1-66-72, 1-66-74, 1-67-62, 1-68-38, 1-73-2,
> 1-73-14, 1-73-58, 1-74-4, 1-75-61, 1-76-45, 1-77-78, 1-80-55,
> 1-80-84, 1-82-45, 1-82-84, and 1-84-1 to 1-94-94.
> "ISO-2022-JP-2003" and "ISO-2022-JP-3-2003" were in the first print of
> JIS X 0213:2004 dated February 20, 2004, and they were both corrected
> to "ISO-2022-JP-2004" in the corrigendum dated April 1, 2004.  To avoid
> complications "ISO-2022-JP-2003" and "ISO-2022-JP-3-2003" may be aliases
> of "ISO-2022-JP-2004", but "ISO-2022-JP-2004" is preferred.
> *Person & email address to contact for further information:
> Koichi Yasuoka
> yasuoka@kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
> *Intended usage: