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Re: Update of charset windows-1252, draft 2

Martin Duerst wrote:

> Ned Freed wrote:

>> I have no problem with not listing cp1252 as an alias, but
>> given that this charset is sometimes labelled this way the
>> label needs to be mentioned in the registration.

> I'm okay with mentioning this if it is done in a way that 
> makes absolutely cristal clear that it is not an alias.

Summary, we don't want folks to start to use charset=cp-1252
in mail, on Web pages, or similar. but we also want it clear
that "cp1252" is the same thing, e.g. the "old" Unicode page:


For some value of "we", where http://purl.net/net/cp/1252 is 
a special case with historical info about various "cp1252".

On my box I'd "chcp 1004" to get 1252, but we should ignore
that as irrelevant, I'd also "chcp 850" to get back to 858 ;-)
