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RE: Update of charset windows-1252, draft 2

Keld Jørn Simonsen
> > I haven't found the string "1252" in RFC 1345
> > (e.g. at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1345.txt), nor in the IANA
> > registration page at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets.
> > Can you please tell us what you are talking about?
> I was wrong. It is not in rfc 1345, and not in the IANA registry.
> I only have it in my updated tables, which are, however,
> used in the Unix recode program. So the cp1252 name is free for
> registration. Personally, as this name is not used in Microsoft
> software, and used for something different, but similar in Unix-like

That, I think is REALLY bad. If "cp1252" is used at all as a
character encoding designation, it should be equivalent to
using "windows-1252", whatever the system. They are indeed
equivalent for ICU converters (fallbacks and all, though
downgrading fallbacks should still not be a part of an IANA
charset registration), along with some other IBM specific
aliases (basically ibm-5348).

Letting those two names stand for different charsets
*increases* the surprise factor, which I instead want
to *decrease*.

		/kent k

> systems, I would prefer that it not be mentioned with this 
> registration.