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RE: Update of charset windows-1252, draft 2

> > used in the Unix recode program. So the cp1252 name is free for
> > registration. Personally, as this name is not used in Microsoft
> > software, and used for something different, but similar in Unix-like

> That, I think is REALLY bad. If "cp1252" is used at all as a
> character encoding designation, it should be equivalent to
> using "windows-1252", whatever the system.

For other code pages, cp1256 for example, it is possible for Encoding.GetEncoding("cp1256") to succeed.

AFAIK we don't use cp1252 as an alias for windows-1252, but it does seem to happen for other code pages.  I've also seen references to the cp1252 term in documentation and in non-Microsoft uses referring to the windows code page, so it seems safest to mention this alias.

That said, windows APIs and IE are not going to recognize the cp1252 term even if it is registered, but it might make interoperability with unix or other platforms or tools less confusing.

- Shawn

Shawn Steele
Windows International