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RE: Registration of some code pages

Windows-31J isn't helpful to describe microsoft behavior because that's the IANA name, but Microsoft apps don't recognize it.  Unfortunately the names we use are already assigned :(  Obviously existing behavior isn't going to change.

So my thinking would be to us a name that we do recognize (though as an alias), and point out that we sometimes refer to this code page by other names, though those names may have different meanings to other applications.

It's not a great solution to the single name meaning two things problem, but I'm not sure there is a perfect solution to this issue.  

This is probably an issue for a few of the code pages.  I don't think a "Web specific" registry helps much because we use these names for pretty much everything, so any application on a windows/.Net box reading "shift_jis" content could get "Windows-31J" behavior.  (Presumably some coudl also get shift_jis behavior if they used their own conversion code instead of the system APIs).


 

From: NARUSE, Yui [naruse@airemix.jp]
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 11:56 AM
To: Shawn Steele
Cc: Anne van Kesteren; 'ietf-charsets@iana.org'
Subject: Re: Registration of some code pages

What is the difference between Windows-31J and this.

NARUSE, Yui  <naruse@airemix.jp>