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Registration of some code pages

I’ve been asked to register a few code pages, but some of them are problematic because the names don’t match our behavior exactly.  This is similar to the problem facing HTML5 when they are trying to map from the names used to the actual behavior that IE (and therefore others) use.


Specifically, I’m wondering about registering “windows 950”, but somehow annotating it that Microsoft typically redirects “big5” to that behavior.  So an alias isn’t really appropriate.


Similarly, is there something we could add to the Windows-31J registration to recognize that Microsoft uses shift_jis to point to Windows-31J instead of using the registered form?


IMO there’s not much point in me registering “new” names to help people understand existing compatibility issues since the new names won’t be recognized by the existing implementations.




- Shawn


 


(Selfhost 7810)