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Improvement of charset registration link page (was: Re: Big5 / CP950)

On 2011/09/20 2:23, Shawn Steele wrote:

> However, I don’t see a big5 entry in the charset registry, only the entry in the Character Sets table.

Given there seems some confusion over what's the registry, I had a look 
and I'm proposing the following tweaks/changes. I'm sending this to the 
charset mailing list first to see what people think, and will ask IANA 
whether they can make the changes that we agree on.

On http://www.iana.org/assignments/charset-reg/index.html:

Change the title from "Character Set Registrations" to "Links to 
Character Set Registration Forms"

Near the link to RFC2978, add another item saying:
"Full list of registered Character Sets", with a link to 

Change the sentence "The following is the list of Character Set 
Registrations not defined in RFCs:" to "The following is the list of 
Character Set Registration forms not contained in an RFC:"

On http://www.iana.org/protocols/, I suggest to change "Registration 
Templates" for Character Sets to "Registration Forms". The word 
"Template", as far as I'm aware, is only used for an empty or example 
form, not for the final product of filling in the form.

Regards,   Martin.