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Big5 / CP950

Murata-san has asked us to update the big5 entry similarly to what we did for shift_jis, pointing out that Big5 has vendor-specific variations as well.  Eg: add something like this:


Several vendor specific charsets that derive from Big5 often use

the Big5 name instead of a more specific vendor charset name.

Windows Code Page 950 is one example, Big-5 HKSCS, Big5+ and

several font specific variations are others.


However, I don’t see a big5 entry in the charset registry, only the entry in the Character Sets table.  There is an entry for Big5-HKSCS (which probably fits the definition of one of the Big5 variants above), but HKSCS is a variant.


Am I missing something?  Should a new entry for big5 be created (pointing to something like http://unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/OTHER/BIG5.TXT)?  Other suggestions?






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