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Re: Encoding Standard (mostly complete)

On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 20:31:47 +0200, Shawn Steele  
<Shawn.Steele@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Shouldn't the W3C be pointing to the charset registry then?  Also is  
> this doc on some sort of standards track?

The charset registry is woefully inadequate and as you know is a far cry  
of how encodings are actually implemented and what labels they have in  
practice. Not to mention that it is unbounded and lists many encodings  
that would be bad to support.

As for standards track, the W3C might standardize this in due course.

> FWIW: It'd be nice if like in section 0 it said "Encodings are scary,  
> use UTF-8 because the rest are implemented inconsistently across  
> platforms".

I added a note to the Preface section, reading "Note: This standard is  
primarily intended for dealing with legacy content, it requires new  
content and formats to use the utf-8 encoding exclusively."

Anne van Kesteren