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RE: Registration of some code pages

> If you develop a new browser you do not really want to have to figure such things out. It is also nigh-on impossible given the amount of content out there, global market, etc. So we should document what we think is best so others do not have to figure it out all over again.

Is there a "best" solution?

"Clearly" if you're an app dev talking to a windows box, you "should" probably use the windows variations.  However if you're a banking app on a Unix box, that's not necessarily the right solution.  Or if you have to talk to a service that's on some mainframe... or windows server...  

So I think it's helpful to document what the major variations are to help developers figure those things out.  As soon as someone said "web browsers should always treat shift_jis as if it were Windows-31J", then somebody's web service is going to break because they have a Unix back end.

I completely agree that it’s a messy mess ;)
